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BMW i Vision Dee, the fully digital car that changes 32 colors

The BMW i Vision Dee is the futuristic mid-size sedan with a new and essential design language. The name "Dee" stands for Digital Emotional Experience - and this is precisely its purpose: to create an even stronger bond between people and their cars in the future.

The BMW Mixed Reality Slider, in combination with the advanced Head-up Display, is the digital highlight and central operational control of the BMW i Vision Dee. In essence, the windshield is the real infotainment of this concept car.

The screen of theinfotainment consists of the windscreen and also the side windows, as well as some parts of the bodywork can transmit animations, graphics or writing. The integration of digital here is total.

foto BMW Group
News at the CES of Las Vegas
At Consumer Electronics Show (CES) 2023 in Las Vegas, BMW presented the i Vision Dee, a futuristic mid-size sedan with a new and essential design language. The name "Dee" stands for Digital Emotional Experience. And that is precisely its purpose. Create an even stronger bond between people and their cars in the future.
foto BMW Group
Change color
BMW has also perfected the use of color change technology. After presenting the BMW iX Flow with E Inkat CES 2022, with the possibility of switching from black to white, with the BMW i Vision Dee you can now customize the exterior of the bodywork with up to 32 colors.
foto BMW Group
No longer just black and white
The BMW i Vision Dee, instead of simply alternating black and white, will have a multicolored exterior, entirely variable and individually configurable. An electronic paper film from the BMW partner, E Ink, is applied to the bodywork to create this magical spectacle of colours.
foto BMW Group
Unique technology
The body surface of the BMW i Vision Dee is divided into the 240 segments E Ink, each of which is individually controlled. This allows you to generate and vary in seconds an almost infinite variety of colors combined. The laser cutting process used to finish the films was developed in collaboration with E Ink. The adaptation of this technology to curved surfaces and the programming of animations were developed by the in-house engineers of the BMW Group. enabling a form of customization unique in the global automotive industry.
foto BMW Group
The windshield is practically theinfotainment of the car
But it doesn't end there. Because BMW i Vision Dee has one more secret. It provides a digital emotional experience never seen before. The acronym used is Digital Emotional Experience (Dee). Using sensors placed on the dashboard, drivers can decide for themselves how much digital content they want to see on the advanced Head-Up Display. The five-step selection ranges from analog, to information related to driving, to the contents of the communication system, to augmented reality projection, up to the entry into virtual worlds.
foto BMW Group
There is also theavatar
We are therefore talking about a concept car able to welcome the driver by projecting a avatar of himself and with which he can talk as if he were a traveling companion while assisting driving with the help of augmented reality.
foto BMW Group
A return to NEUE KLASSE from 2025
Behind the shape of the body of the Dee , however, could hide a clue about the renewal of the BMW range. The digital evolution that this concept car foreshadows, in fact, revolves around the arrival of the platform Neue Klasse. An architecture that promises to set new standards of digitization, electrification and sustainability for the brand, whose launch is scheduled for 2025.
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